
Accredited Acoustic Laboratory
Acoustic Consulting

Our Mission

Over 15 years of experience in acoustic projects & measurement, hundreds of sitsfed customers, thousands od acredited reports - cooperation with AkustiX is a guarantee oh the highest quality of services provided

Within the company there is an Accredited Acoustic Laboratory and Design & Consulting Workshop

We offer: making acoustic maps, environmental analyzes, acredited measurements, acoustic projects and more. The industries we operate in include: environmental acoustics, architectural acoustics and building acoustics. Check out our Offer.

Trusted us
Some interesting facts

Our company in numbers

Acredited reports
Years of experience

Rzetelność i zadowolenie klientów są dla nas najważniejsze.

Large projects are challenges...

Since the beginning of our company, we have implemented dozens of noise maps for urban agglomerations, national and provincial roads, railways and airports.


...but we care about all ones!

We work with numerous architectural offices and industrial plants on all projects - from single implementations to large complexes of multi-storey skyscrapers.


We cover following areas of acoustics:

Enviromental Acoustic

Noise maps

Architectural Acoustic

Acredited measurements

Noise Monitoring

Acoustic Audit

If you are interested - check the details of our offer!