We offer:
Enviromental Acoustic
We specialize in environmental acoustics, including:
- Noise maps
- Noise Protection Programs
- Post-execution analyzes
- Analyzes of noise emission to the environment
- Designs of acoustic screens for roads, railways
- Noise monitoring of airports, roads, railways and industry
Noise Maps
We make noise maps e.g. for:
- cities
- roads
- railways
- airports
Architectural Acoustic
We carry out the following measurements and projects in the field of architectural acoustics:
- Reverberation time measurements
- Speech intelligibility measurements
- Concert and entertainment halls acoustic projects
- Offices, cinemas and classrooms acoustic projects
- Acoustic projects of any other rooms that require acoustic adaptation
Construction Acoustic
Świadczymy następujące usługi z zakresu akustyki budowlanej:
- Airborne sound insulation measurements of walls and ceilings
- Impact noise insulation measurements
- Acoustic operats
- Determining the minimum insulation of facades and their elements
Acredited Measurements
We perform measurements in the field of environmental, industrial, architectural, construction and vibroacoustics. Check the details in Laboratory
Noise Monitoring
We conduct both constant and periodic noise monitoring:
- aircraft
- road
- tram
- rail
- industrial
Acoustic Audit
We offer a comprehensive acoustic audit in the field of building acoustics in the process of environmental decisions
IT & Industrial Acoustic
We also offer:
- Acoustic analyzes for industrial plants
- Designs of acoustic screens for industrial plants
- Measurements of the sound power level of industrial devices
- Measurements of the sound level of industrial devices
- Measurements of the sound power level of telecommunication equipment
- Measurements of the sound level of telecommunication equipment